Founding Fathers:Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was one of the most influential of the Founding Fathers.
influential-to influence you to do something
He was the main author of the Declaration of Independence and served as the 3rd U.S president.
Thomas was born in Virginia in the year of 1743 to a wealthy family. He loved books and was naturally curious about many subjects.  In 1757 when he was 14 his father passed away. At that young he inherited a 5,000 acre plantation. Slaves also helped construct the Monticello, Jefferson's famous mountaintop estate. Many of the Founding Fathers were slaves owners. It's not mentioned much maybe because it's confusing: fighting for freedom while keeping slaves. It's a valuable reminder that the Founding g Fathers weren't perfect. Jefferson was a respected lawyer by the time he got into politics. In 1769, he was elected to Virginia's colonial legislature, The House of Burgesses.
There he spoke out against oppressive laws imposed the 13 colonies by Great Britain. Actually, Jefferson was an awkward  public speaker but in writing, he was as eloquent as anyone who put pen to paper. His early papers argued for the then-radical idea that people should rule themselves. In 1775 the 2nd Continental Congress, where most representatives from the 13 colonies met, to discuss the growing conflict with Great Britain. There, Jefferson was chosen to write a document explaining why the colonies where breaking away from Britain. in just 17 days he churned out the 1st draft of what became known as the Declaration of Independence! it was presented to Congress June of 1776 and the final version was officially adopted by July 4, 1776. By then, the first battles of the Revolutionary War had already been fought. During the war Jefferson served Virginia in the House of Delegates and later as governor. Later George Washington appointed him as 1st secretary of state. Jefferson believed that individual states should have more power. These differences led Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, another revolutionary leader from Virginia, to form a new political party: the Democratic Republicans. George Washington continued to side with Alexander Hamilton so Jefferson resigned as secretary of state and went home to Monticello.
resigned-to quit
A few years later he came back. He ran for president but barely lost to John Adams. Jefferson ralied up his supporters and in 1800 he barely won against Adams. He stopped being president in 1809 and made improvements to Monticello and wrote until his death in July 4, 1826.


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