
Showing posts from May, 2018

States and Capitals

Albany, New York Montgomery, Alabama Santa Fe, New Mexico Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Jackson, Mississippi Jefferson City, Missouri Austin, Texas Topeka, Kansas Baton Rouge, Louisiana Honolulu, Hawaii Topeka, Kansas Des Moines, Iowa Springfield, Illinois Tallahassee, Florida Olympia, Washington Boise, Idaho Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Trenton, New Jersey Annapolis, Maryland Indianapolis, Indiana Augusta, Maine Sacramento, California Juneau, Alaska Cheyenne,Wyoming Charleston,West Virginia Phoenix, Arizona Little Rock, Arkansas Hartford, Connecticut Dover, Delaware Denver, Colorado Carson City, Nevada Columbia, South Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina Columbus, Ohio Helena, Montana Lansing, Michigan Salem, Oregon St. Paul, Minnesota Lincoln, Nebraska Montpelier, Vermont Concord, New Hampshire Nashville, Tennessee Madison, Wisconsin Frankfort, Kentucky Boston, Massachusetts Richmond,Virginia Bismarck, North Dakota Pierre, South Dakota Atlanta, Georg...

Wheel and Axle

A wheel is a simple machine. For a wheel to do any good it has to rotate on an axle. A wheel and axle is actually a circular lever! Example of a Wheel and Axle: A doorknob is a wheel and axle. The knob is a wheel and the metal rod that connects to the door is the axle. Without a knob it's pretty hard to turn the rod. It takes 100%effort (my opinion) For more information go to search wheel and axle and enter your username and password and votemaxcarter is signing out.

Cardiovascular/Circulatory System

Your heart, blood, and cells make up the circulatory also known as cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system is responsible for a cycle that moves blood from your heart then to every part of your body and then back again. At the middle of the cardiovascular system is your heart. Your heart is a muscle that pumps blood through your body and handles 3 kinds of circulation:Your heart has a whole network of blood vessels that brings nutrients in and removes waste products. This is called coronary circulation. Pulmonary circulation is the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs. In the lungs your blood drops out CO2(stands for carbon dioxide) for you to breathe out and picks up oxygen for you to breathe in. The oxygen-rich blood heads back to the heart which brings us to systemic circulation. Systemic circulation brings oxygen to all the cells that needed and removes the waste products like the coronary circulation does.

List of 21 Famous Inventors

Alexander Graham Bell-Telephone John Deere-Steel Plowshare Henry Ford-Automobile Assembly Line Bill Gates-Computer Software Joseph F. Glidden-Barbed Wire Thomas Edison-Electrical Lightbulb John Kellogg-Cereal Flakes Samuel Morse-Telegraph Cyrus Hall McCormick-Mechanical reaper(used to harvest crops) Isaac Singer-Modern sewing machine Orville and Wilbur Wright-Airplanes Ada Lovelace-computer George Washington Carver- Things out of peanuts Madam CJ Walker-made beauty and hair products for African-American women James Gregory-Gregorian telescope Samuel P. Langley-bolometer Rene Laennec-stethoscope Irving Lagmuir-gas-filled incandescent lamp Lewis Latimer-improved carbon-filament lightbulb Gustav De Laval-milk separator and milking machine Nikola Tesla-alternating current AC motor

How is Land Made?

Land is made by underwater volcanoes. When it explodes magma bursts out and cools then  it forms land. For more info watch Magic School Bus Blows Its Top

Preserve Habitats

1. Reforest the World 2. End plastic pollution 3. Protect Wildlife 4. Reduce Waste 5. Conserve the Ocean 6. Avert Climate Change 7. Reduce Pollution For more information search preserve habitats websites and click on Preserve Habitats-Everything Connects

Minecraft Guide to the Nether Environment

The Nether Environment 1. The majority of the terrain is netherrack. 2. The terrain is surrounded by lava. 3. You won't find any Overworld ores in the Nether. You will find the nether quartz ore used to make quartz blocks, stairs, etc. 4. Patches of soul sand occur frequently. If you walk on it you'll become slower, but it is not the slowness status effect. 5. Magma Blocks are in the Nether. If you walk on one sneak so you won't take damage. 6. Mushrooms are found in the Nether. Also, you can use mushrooms to craft mushroom stew with it 7. The Nether has clusters of gravel which can be used to make flint. 8. The Nether has a bedrock ceiling. 9. Clusters of glowstone hang from the ceiling. If you mine one, you'll get glowstone dust which can be used to make spectral arrows, firework stars, and 4 glowstone dust can be used to make a glowstone block. 10. At the very bottom of the Nether is another layer of bedrock. 11. Nether fortresses are fairly comm...